Dr Catherine Farrell graduated from University College Dublin with a BSc in Environmental Biology. Following her keen interest in restoration ecology, her PhD research (based in UCD’s Botany Department) focused on vegetation ecology and practical measures to restore industrial cutaway Atlantic blanket bog in the west of Ireland. This research then led to a ‘real world’ application and Catherine co-ordinated and monitored the restoration and rehabilitation of the former 6,500 hectare Bord na Móna (the Irish Turf Board) industrial cutaway site in County Mayo. Catherine then took up a wider role in Bord na Móna, extending her learnings to the full range of their 80,000 hectare landholdings across the midlands of Ireland. Working nationally, and as part of an international network of peatland restoration researchers and practitioners, she developed a number of projects on Greenhouse Gas emissions from drained peatlands, rehabilitated areas and restored bogs.
Dr Catherine Farrell